Short and animated films

Ágh Márton: A kutyákat elengedtem (2010)


Nagypál Orsolya: Hidegzuhany (2010) 

Pater Sparrow:  Együtt a fogyatékkal élők elfogadásáért - social advertisement (2008)  

Tibor Bánoczki :Tripper fiúk ("The Clap dudes" - 2008)
This almost half an hour animated movie is by a talented director, who lives in London at the time, this film was made for an examination for the Hungarian Academy of Art.

Kiss Rudolf Péter : Süti (2007)

Apu (2006)
For this social advertisement we did a remake of a well known hungarian song, called "Hol van az a nyár" ("Where has that summer gone"), originally performed by Éva Ruttkai and Zoltán Latinovics. It was recorded in Studio H by Balázs Pejkó, featuring my wife, Luca Kézdy on violin. I played all the other parts and sang with Bori Ruttkai.

Nóra Lakos : A trükk vége (2005) Nóra was the student of the Hungarian Film Academy, when she asked me to make music for her film, which was also made for an examination.

This was my first film music writing experience in 2000, with Péter Sabák on bass. This film was followed by three others from Szilvia Nyitrai:Tükör, a cica (2000)

Idill (2003)

Angyal (2004)

Az ékszeres dobozka (2009)